Creative Solutions to Problems
This paper was given at the AISB Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity, 1999 April 8 and 9.The idea is to chip a piece out of the problem of creativity by defining a creative solution to a problem relative to the functions and predicates used in posing the problem. The simplification comes from not talking about the creativity of the problem solver but only about the creativity of the solution.
Definition (informal): A solution to a problem is creative if it involves concepts not present in statement of the problem and the general knowledge surrounding it. Don't identify creativity with difficulty although they are usually correlated.
Example: The mutilated checkerboard problem.
We also consider how to express concisely the idea of a solution. Whether the expression is adequate is relative to the knowledge and ability of the person or program to which the idea is expressed.
This paper was for the AISB Workshop on AI and Scientific Creativity, Edinburgh, 1999 April 8 and 9.
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