Professor John McCarthy
Father of AI
David Gries, ``The 1984-1985 Taulbee Survey'' Communications of the ACM, Volume 29(10), October 1986, pp. 972-977; David Gries, ``The 1985-1986 Taulbee Survey,'' Communications of the ACM, Volume 30(8), August 1987, pp. 688-694; David Gries and Dorothy Marsh, ``The 1986-1987 Taulbee Survey,'' Communications of the ACM, Volume 31(8), August 1988, pp. 984-991; David Gries and Dorothy Marsh, 11The 1987-1988 Taulbee Survey,'' Communications of the ACM, Volume 31(10), October 1989, pp. 1217-1224; David Gries and Dorothy Marsh, ``The 1988-1989 Taulbee Survey'' Communications of the ACM, Volume 33(9), September 1990, pp. 160-169; David Gries and Dorother Marsh, ``The 1989-1990 Taulbee Survey,'' Computing Research News, Volume 3(1), January 1991; and David Gries and Dorothy Marsh, ``The 1990-1991 Taulbee Survey,'' Computing Research News, Volume 4(10, January 1992, pp. 8 ff.
Computer Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, The National Challenge in Computer Science and Technology, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1988.
John E. Hopcroft and Kenneth W. Kennedy, eds., Computer Science Achievements and Opportunities, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1989.
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computing Research Association (CRA), Strategic Directions in Computing Research, ACM Press, New York, 1990.
Office of Science and Technology Policy, The Federal High Performance Computing Program, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C., September 8, 1989, p.9.

John McCarthy
Sat Apr 13 11:14:35 PDT 1996