Professor John McCarthy
Father of AI

For Discussion of Sustainability Issues

17 August 1997

I get a fair amount of email about these pages, and some other people link to these pages from theirs. However, I think the best way to discuss sustainability issues is in one's own Web pages. Therefore, if you have comments, put them on a page, and I'll most likely link to them. If I can obviate a criticism by changing one of my pages, I may do that. If you want to refer specifically to an item on a page, email me with a request to put an anchor at that point.

I will probably surround a link with my own comments

Links to discussion:

Rich Puchalsky criticism of my pages


  1. He complains that my page Forests and Wood Supply discusses only wood supply and not biodiversity which he regards as more important. I have a page Biodiversity and Extinction Rates which discusses the issue. Maybe it wasn't there when Puchalsky looked. Anyway, thanks to his complaint, it now has a link from the forest page.

  2. He complains about the promised statistics in my page Human Population and its Limits not being there yet. There are some and more to come.

  3. He doesn't like my skepticism about ozone - derived from other skeptics. I plan to revise that page when I hear from my main source of information.

  4. I'll pass on his discussion of my ideology and my page Ideology and Sustainability page.