Progress and Its Sustainability
This Web page and its satellites are aimed at showing that human material progress is desirable and sustainable. People have worried about many problems. These pages discuss energy in general , nuclear energy , solar energy , food supply , population , fresh water supply , forests and wood supply , global engineering , pollution , biodiversity , various menaces to human survival , the role of ideology in discussing these matters , useful references . Other problems are discussed in the main text including minerals and pollution.
The sustainability pages are essentially done, although I plan to improve them and respond to inadequacies people find. Having done my best to show that material progress is sustainable, I can justifiably turn my attention to the future and present ideas about what progress people will want and what can be achieved. The emphasis is on opportunities rather than on inevitabilities.
Most of the contentions of these pages are supported by simple calculations based on readily available numbers. Here's an illustration. Slogan: He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense.
With the development of nuclear energy, it became possible to show that there are no apparent obstacles even to billion year sustainability.(1) . A billion years is unimaginably far in the future.
Humanity has progressed over hundreds of thousands of years, but until about the seventeenth century, progress was a rare event. There were novelties, but a person would not expect a whole sequence of improvements in his lifetime. Since then scientific progress has been continual, and in the advanced parts of the world, there has also been continued technological progress. Therefore, people no longer expect the world to remain the same as it is. Very likely, the greatest rate of progress for the average person occurred around the end of the 19th century when safe water supplies, telephones, automobiles, electric lighting, and home refrigeration came in short order.
This page and its satellites will contain references to articles, my own and by others, explaining how humanity is likely to advance in the near future. In particular, we argue that the whole world can reach and maintain American standards of living with a population of even 15 billion. We also argue that maintaining material progress is the highest priority and the best way to ensure that population eventually stabilizes at a sustainable level with a standard of living above the present American level and continues to improve thereafter.
These opinions are old-fashioned according to some people, but they have a lot of support. For example, the biologist E. O. Wilson writes in his excellent book Consilience.
In contrast to widespread opinion, I believe that the Enlightenment thinkers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries got it mostly right. The assumptions they made about a lawful material world, the intrinsic unity of knowledge, and the potential for indefinite human progress are the ones we still take most readily to heart, suffer without, and find maximally rewarding as we learn more and more about the circumstances of our lives.
I'm not claiming Wilson would agree with everything on these pages or even most of it. Indeed I think his last chapter has too much overly standard environmentalist pessimism. Wilson's 2002 book, according to a review I saw, makes it clear that he would not. I see it as a retreat into sentimentality from what he wrote above.
I offer no opinion about a "right" population, and I suspect that population will eventually be limited by a sense of crowdedness rather than by material considerations. Here's a more extensive discussion of population.
There is a widespread belief that the present standard of living of the advanced countries is not sustainable and not extendable to the present backward countries. I and many others don't agree. This exposition mainly concerns scientific and technological bases for optimism rather than the historical and economic arguments ably advanced by Julian Simon, who died suddenly in 1998. Simon's web pagecontains much of his work.
There are some menaces, but they are likely to be avoided. In contrast to the menaces there are technological opportunities. I'm pleased to see that the opportunities are slightly ahead of the menaces in numbers of hits.
I consider these pages essentially finished as far as showing that material progress is sustainable. I have gotten into some arguments about what present policies are good and bad, and pages concentrating on that would require continued updating. However, I think I have enough to show sustainability.
Frequently asked questions about sustainability of progress
Q. What is meant by material progress?
A. Human progress in the last few centuries has included the following.
- Increased access to material goods.
- Safe water supply
- Increased life span.(3)
- Reduced childhood death.
- Increased opportunities for education.
- Societies that people choose to migrate to.
- More individual choice of occupation, lifestyle and avocations.
- More opportunity to enjoy both culture and nature.
- Cleaner environment.
- Increased consideration for the values in nature, e.g. for the preservation of biological diversity.
- Increased concern for less advanced people and their cultures.
- More and more new goods and services available to more and more people. Available novelty is a good. Compulsory novelty is often a nuisance or worse.
- There is more discussion in a special page on progress. That page also discusses other kinds of progress, e.g. social and moral progress.
All this progress was a consequence of the advance of technology and also of advances in government and other social organizations in capitalist society. These other social organizations include universities, societies for the promotion of the arts and sciences, trade unions, publications, political parties, and advocacy organizations. Mainly it was technology, which became increasingly based on scientific discoveries.
None of these advances ensure that everyone will be happy. The American Declaration of Independence wisely offers only the pursuit of happiness. However, I believe that progress has resulted in less acute unhappiness. Someone who thinks otherwise should explain how parents were just as happy when half of their children died in childhood.
All these things are dependent on the material wealth of society. People can dispute about how to divide the wealth, but there has to be wealth to divide. Here are some of the questions that have led some people to believe this progress can't continue and some answers to their worries.
Cohen's 5 billion year estimate is based on extracting uranium from seawater, which the Japanese have already shown to work. Most likely, it will be cheaper to use lower and lower grade ores on land, but no one will spend the money to develop the technology to use low grade ores until high grade ores begin to run low.
Indeed before the oil crisis of 1973 energy was just a commodity. Different kinds of energy had their costs in different markets and users of energy minimized energy costs along with all their other costs. The oil crisis combined with the growing anti-establishment sentiment that equated nuclear power with nuclear weapons was just one of the reasons why energy came to be regarded as a thing apart. (6)
However, oil can be extracted from oil shale, from tar sands (as it is in Alberta, Canada) and synthesized from coal. These processes (except for tar sands) are too expensive to compete with just letting it just flow out of the ground in Saudi Arabia, but the technologies were developed when it was thought oil would run out soon. The costs would be affordable. Taking these sources into account we probably have several hundred years supply of oil, provided "greenhouse" warming and soot pollution permit its continued use.
2002 March 20: New studies claim that submicron particles from power plants are more harmful to health than previously thought.
Indeed once we can extract minerals from random rock, the only way of running out of an element is to eject it from the planet or to let it subduct under a continent. This is because using quantities of elements doesn't destroy them. Therefore, the scrap piles will eventually be ores. This won't happen for a long time, because more concentrated ores will remain available for a long time.
In fact metal ores have become more inexpensive recently as is illustrated by the famous bet between the environmentalist Paul Ehrlich and the economist Julian Simon. In 1980 Simon sold Ehrlich (on credit) ten year futures on five metals of Ehrlich's choosing. The total price was $1,000. In 1990 Ehrlich had to pay Simon $600, because the metals had gone down in price.
Copper is presently being mined in the U.S. at a concentration only ten times its concentration in the earth's crust.
In much of the rest of the world the population is still increasing, but the rate of increase is slowing, especially in the big countries of China, India and Indonesia.
There is still a high rate of growth in Africa south of the Sahara, but it also shows signs of slowing.
Even for Bangladesh, bad government seems to be more the problem than population per se.
Here is Health and Amenity Effects of Global Warming, also by Tom Moore. It offers statistical evidence that regions of the U.S. with warmer climates have lower death rates and also are preferred to colder regions. Also death rates from most causes are greater in winter than in summer.
Two scientific skeptics about the harmful effects of global warming are Richard Lindzen of M.I.T. and Frederick Singer of an organization called SEPP. I don't give links but suggest googling them, because they have written both on their own pages and for various publications.
Warmer winters seem to have increased wheat yields in Australia.
However, our society can survive even a large amount of irrational regulation. I remain an extreme optimist.
The only major commodity whose use in the advanced countries may deprive people of the poor countries in the near future is petroleum. How near is the exhaustion of petroleum is not clear.
When the petroleum supply shows clear signs of running out, perhaps the advanced countries should give the poor countries some extra help in making the transition to nuclear and possibly solar energy. By the time petroleum runs out some, maybe even most, of the presently poor countries will no longer be too poor to solve their own energy problems. Any country, which like the U.S. today, spends only 8 percent of its GDP on energy can afford to solve its own energy problems.
- If progress were not sustainable, then it would be important to reduce consumption of whatever resources were limiting progress. It would be the particular duty of the countries using the most of these resources.
- Since progress is sustainable, and there is no limiting resource in the short term (next few hundred years and probably much longer), the most important way to help the poor countries is to help them develop more or less along the path pioneered by the richer countries - skipping some steps when possible.
- The richer countries should continue their progress, both for the sake of their own citizens and because the richer the country is, the more it is likely to do to help others.
- Current campaigns to give reducing energy consumption a higher priority than other economies are mistaken.
- Almost all people like progress - considering that most migration is toward regions of greater progress.
Consider the argument above that we can use lower and lower grade ores when the present high grade ores run out and in the limit can use ordinary rock. No company or government is economically motivated to develop processes for using ordinary rock, because the supplies of better ores will last at least many hundreds of years and probably thousands. However, maybe some people would feel better about sustainability if processes for using ordinary rock had been developed.
Here are some possible studies that might give additional assurance and comfort to the worried. However, in so far as expectations of doom are a psychological or religious phenomenon, many people would react to the studies by thinking up additional menaces.
Here's a puzzle expressing my attitude towards many human problems. Look at The Doctor's Dilemma
Here is a version of how ideologies affect people's attitude to various problems.
Here's a comment on "appropriate technology".
If you are at least partly convinced that human progress is sustainable, then take a look at the human future. I think of the future in terms of opportunities rather than in terms of inevitabilities.
Here are some references.