An Everywhere Continuous Nowhere Differentiable Function
This note was published in the American Mathematical Monthly in 1953 December. The point of the example is that the proof is 13 lines of rather easy mathematics.
Universality: or why there are separate sciences tells why a universal mechanism at one level of organization makes the details of lower levels irrelevant. Thus universal computers make computer science independent of basic physics.
Effective Interactive Use of Large Character Sets is a 1981 memo adapted for TeX in 1989. It was never published or made into a report, because I intended to improve it. I may put a few 2004 notes in it.
Where were you when Hiroshima was bombed?
This questionnaire was posted on two newsgroups and a few answers were
received. I would be glad to get more answers. The results will be posted
and may be published.
A Censorship flap at Stanford concerning the Usenet newsgroup rec.humor.funny ends up with censorship defeated. This happened in 1990.